Svetla Ivanova

Software Developer




Demo Source


Online anything-rating system - an ASP.NET MVC project
The idea of LikeIt is for anyone to be able to express their opinion about a certain thing by giving their vote for or against it. A person can register a page in any category - from business to favorite food or hobby and let other people vote for it, turning the application into a platform for opinions. It's a project done as part of my education at Telerik Software Academy and is still a work in progress.
Drink and Rate

Drink and Rate

Demo Source

ASP.NET Web Forms Team Project Drink and Rate

Online beer rating system
The application was created as a team project for Telerik Software Academy's ASP.NET Web Forms course. Anyone can register a certain brand of beer, leave a comment, rate it and let others do the same. There are also articles, charts and events sections, where people can get more information about the on-goings in the beer world.



Android ASP.NET Web API Team Project KitKare

A mobile application for remote cat caring, written for Android (team project).
The application sends requests via ASP.NET Web API to a feeding station, which pours a certain amount of food into a bowl. There's also a functionality for switching lights on and off. The idea includes adding water section as well as video streaming. The hardware part runs on an Arduino.
Mystery Riddles

Mystery Riddles


Android ASP.NET Web API Team Project Mystery Riddles

'Guess what happened' game, written for Android with ASP.NET Web API for the back-end.
Given part of a story, guess the rest of it by asking the narrator yes or no questions. Language: Bulgarian
Upgrade Yourself

Upgrade Yourself

Video Source

Universal Windows Platform ASP.NET Web API Team Project Upgrade Yourself

A Windows 10 application (using ASP.NET Web API for back-end services) to improve certain programming skills via daily training sessions.
The main idea is to receive challenges each day to build the skills you want. The more you train, the harder the challenges become.
Easter Farm

Easter Farm


C# / WPF Team Project Easter Farm

A single-player arcade game - a team project for Telerik Academy 2015's Object-oriented Programming course
Hans, lambs and bunnies running in a farm, eating berries and producing Easter eggs and milk. Easter presents made in a present factory from ingredients bought from a market place. Wolves and foxes, sneaking in the farm, trying to steal all the livestock and ruin Easter. Intrigued yet?
The Evil Pacman

The Evil Pacman

Demo Source

JavaScript Team Project The Evil Pacman

Based on the classic arcade game Pacman - a team project, created as an assignment for the JavaScript UI & DOM course at Telerik Software Academy. Additional libraries: jQuery, KineticJS, RequireJS
Ninja Assassins

Ninja Assassins


C# Team Project Ninja Assassins

A single-player console card game - a team project for Telerik Software Academy's C# Part 2 course.

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About Me


.Net Developer since September 2015.


Telerik Software Academy (2014)
*in software


Web Developer - Telerik Academy
Mobile Developer - Telerik Academy
C# Developer - Telerik Academy
JavaScript Developer - Telerik Academy
Telerik Academy Ninja
Business Acumen Training Series - PwC's Academy Luxembourg
Communication and Analytical Skills - Trainer.BG
Certificate of Advanced English
Certificate in Advanced English - University of Cambridge

Personal Interests

Travelling, social hangouts and games, fantasy books and movies, writing, arts, foreign languages and more.